Get. Set. Go!

virtual job fair

3D Enviornment

Find qualified leads and reach out to a bigger audience by showcasing your products virtually. Engaging your customers with powerful interactive options.

Chat, Poll & Q&A

Build conversations and make your event more interactive with chat options, video and voice calls. Keep your audience engaged with interesting Polls and Q&As.

virtual exhibition stand
virtual exhibition platform

Dynamic Agenda

Last minute changes? Don’t worry. On tillu, you can edit your event agenda during the event (all real-time).

Networking Zone

Join different chat groups, based on trends or interests and build new connections. To improve this experience, we are working on AI and ML based Networking zones

Virtual Events Platform
virtual event uk

Private Meeting Rooms

Attendees can pre-book meetings with speakers, sponsors or exhibitors and interact with them in their personal meeting rooms. These meeting rooms can be made private or public, based on preferences.

Voice & Video Call

Create interactive lobbies with brand videos, agenda, downloadable publications, help chat and guide your attendees about your virtual event.

trade shows displays
Online Event Registration

Easy Navigation

Tillu supports 3 types of registration - open, on-the-spot and validated. Just customise the registration form fields and get the data you require.

Inbulit Analytics Dasboard

Tillu is one of few platforms to have: 1. Cloud based data analytics & 2. In-built Google Analytics dashboard

virtual exhibition stand

Create a Virtual Event in just a few clicks!

Want To Know More?!

Reach Out To Us On [email protected]

Virtual Museum